Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby Showers

What a fun day at the Long Island baby shower with my friends hosted by Alerie, Gina, Marisa and John. We had a great time! We played games and mingled, it was great to see everyone. Kate came from NYC and Amy from MASS and everyone else from the Stony Brook area. All the love is so nice. We announced today to everyone that Elijah Henry Bennett will be the name for the baby boy. Eli for short if you like :) We also even got sent gifts from afar; my friends from SU. Allison sent bath goodies and a hand made beautiful blue blankie. Dan sent cute outfits and several great baby books. And Lisa sent the sheep blanket along with little outfits and some breast milk storage bags (which are sure to get great use, lol). To match Lisa's bag Amy brought me her breast pump along with some needed storage materials etc. and the exer-saucer!
After Christmas I also had a great shower hosted by my friend Heather Moldenhauer. We had fun with an intimate group of women at the 7 Owls Tea House in Lancaster, NY. It was really nice to see everyone and get some great words of wisdom! It will be great to get back to EA and show off little Elijah. I love this picture of my mom and I too so I uploaded it :)
Our house is getting very ready for the little one as am I as I continue to get bigger and Jai prepares the items in the house - like the changing table/ dresser! And then just to boot I felt the need to organize ALL my photos and get them separated in to four scrap books and started my life of scrapbooking - literally, lol. So now, when folks come to visit, if they get really bored they can take some time to look through the photo history of my life ;) I love all my friends and family and have been amazed at the outpouring of gifts of love from everyone for little Elijah!

1 comment:

AG said...

I'm so glad you liked the blanket! I think it's one of my favorites that I've made. :)

looks like the showers were great! I miss you and think of you all the time.