Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas in EA

What a nice Christmas. My last Christmas child free - wow - that's crazy to think of! I am 33 weeks along. I am needing to get last minute stuff together like wipes etc. that you don't think about til the last minute. Plus we are still organizing the room! I had a nice holiday with the fam though. I had a nice day after Christmas with my cousins Alex and Rachel where we made pottery , as their Christmas gift (it's hard to find something fun and exciting for an 18 and 16 year old!). So, I have attached pictures of the fun time we had (that's the Happy Birthday plate I made for the baby pre-firing). And just for kicks a picture of the snow I drove in to when I arrived in East Aurora! By today it had melted due to the excessive warm weather (it was 63 this morning - and 58 yesterday). So, the 18 + inches had melted by today causing much flooding and distruction. Plus then the wind picked up (75 mph at the airport qualifying as hurricane forces) and caused some more craziness today at the bills game. But, alas no snow is left and I am heading back to LI tomorrow where there is guaranteed to be no snow!

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