Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Thanks!

So, here I am in the winterized East Aurora, Toy Town USA. My babies first taste of Thanksgiving dinner cooked by the best, my Mother of course, will be tomorrow! I am giving thanks today that the baby has decided to move off the nerve or organ or whatever he was leaning on near my right hip, that was the first not fun feeling of my pregnancy. Not that it was painful (not like the heartburn) but, more like pressure - and something I just couldn't get rid of at all. I slept the whole night on my left side hoping when I woke up he would have been pulled by gravity off of whatever he was leaning on, well today after two nights that theory finally worked :)
I am happy that I am getting to spend time with the women of my family on Friday for my first baby shower, that I got to visit with my friends from the EA area and that there is 5 inches of snow on the ground to mark the fact that I am actually back in the Buffalo area!

One thing that I am thankful for is that my love Jai is as excited and involved with the choice of the baby's name as I am. We are still working on a name, although Hunter is in the running along with Elijah still and my long shot hope of Jackson (which is as likely as Jai's long shot hope of Cameron or Christian). I really am leaning toward Elijah but, I think that Jai is more excited about Hunter. The middle name will definitley be Henry (that we have agreed on!).
So, this Thanksgiving I am happy to be in good ol' EA, Toy Town USA, enjoying the simplicity of a small town with no job worries to think about, with my parents, awaiting the arrival of Jai and enjoying the alleviation of the pressure from Baby Boy Bennett!

I hope my baby enjoys the dinner as much as I know I will because we have so much to be thanksful for! And I am looking forward to next Thanksgiving and my boy's first enjoyment of the Macy's Day Parade on TV followed by the Dog Show and then Football! What could be better than family, good food and fun!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Back, belly and nesting!

So, this weekend started off with my Jai bringing home a back/ belly support system and me going to the chiropractor. My back was hurting this week but, nothing awful. Enough though that Jai was worried. He had seen this back support at Toys R Us a while back and went to several stores to find one. I put it on and it really is great! It actually works. So, I have attached the picture of the stylish new back/belly support I am wearing (really who wants to admit that). Secondly then my belly popped out. Due to the urging of my friend Lisa I have attached self portrait of the belly. It is big. And I realized it was big when yesterday I was out in Huntington with Alerie, Theresa and Jon and the woman leaving next to us ( who had a small baby with her) points at my belly and says "Good Luck". I did enjoy this weekend though and feel as though the bigger belly may be leading to me nesting more. I have figured out how I want my rooms rearranged in anticipation of the baby and this morning I baked banana bread, ginger snap cookies and chicken teriyaki (from Real Simple) which was so good and so simple! Who doesn't love a great fall weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I love this quote

So, today I got this quote in an email from Kate and I thought it was so nice. Plus it came with a few pictures of the first 120 days of a Panda Bear's life - which was so cute! So, I had to share and a first and last picture of the Panda :)

"Remember Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so love the people who treat you right,
Forget about the ones who don't,
And believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
They just promised it would be worth it."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh the Pain!

Okay, so after speaking to my good friend Lisa today she told me I had to blog about our discussion. This weekend - and really all week leading up to this weekend - I have been having horrid heartburn. I have never experienced anything like it. Tums is not working either.

I was in so much pain on Friday night that when I came home from Blockbuster I started crying. My supportive Jai tells me that he "is going to tell my son how much pain he put you through" lol. But, then he made me warm milk (which actually stopped the burning for an hour or so).

I read the baby book and it says that they believe that heartburn has to do with hair production. The more hair the baby has the more heartburn is caused. They say it's an old wives tail that actually seems to be true. So, although last week according to the book the baby has "sprouts of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes (with no pigment, just white)" I think that he actually may be causing me heartburn. So, the last two days I have thought about how to avoid heartburn which, tonight, culminated in me looking up foods to avoid when you have heartburn (which is about every fruit that I enjoy - especially the pomegranate that Jai and I have been eating recently- I also can't have strawberry jam). This site was very helpful -
I told my Mom today that basically Iwould be avoiding eating after 6:30pm and I would try to walk for 10 - 15 minutes after dinner at least on the tred mill and make sure I don't sit down right after I eat (e.g. do the dishes). This kind of preplanning around my meals is somewhat annoying. My Mother suggested eating my big meal at lunch and breakfast and have something really small like yogurt for dinner. No more chocolate either PS! Well, hopefully this doesn't continue for the next 3 months!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rocking the Vote

Today my bambino and I voted at 6:15am! My baby's first voting experience :)

He seemed excited - moving all around :)

Maybe he can smell the change!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Baby Brain Drain

After a long weekend of traveling to Massachusets and having Friday off I decided to be productive today. I woke up about 9am (so really 10am DST) and cleaned the whole apartment then decided to cook lasagna. I met Jon and Dennis for some Paneras, returned a sweater I bought Jai to TJ Maxx and then went grocery shopping. So, usually I would tell you I hate grocery shopping (well, because I do and I feel like I never know where the money goes). However, today, I ended up loving my shopping experience at the Islandia Stop and Shop!
I shopped for about an hour today and then came home got on the computer, chatted with some folks and started making the lasagna I had planned to make for the week. Well, a number called me that I didn't recognize and left a message. Ends up it was the manager from the Stop and Shop telling me they found my purse in a cart in the parking lot. Luckily everything was still in it! They had tried to find a number for me and called several numbers in my purse they found to no avail. Finally they found a piece of paper with a name and number scribbled on it (a vendor from work) who was able to give them my cell phone number (thank God he didn't delete it after the event in September!). I don't know when I would have realized that I was missing my purse (probably Monday morning when I was ready to go to work and I would have had the BIG one!) but, I think it's great that people are still so nice and go out of their way to help someone else. So, thanks to the cashier who found it and Krystal and Ron the managers at the S&S!